- all over the world species clash in Nature's Savage Battle of survival on land under the sea and in the air all are locked in deadly conflict animals fight tooth and Claw to Inn food territory and rights to the bloodline from Africa to Asia there are no rules this is animal fight night it's spring and this grizzly is emerging from hibernation and he's bad news a large standing Grizzly can top 8 ft
- tall and weigh in at around 1,500 lb muscles in his shoulders back and buts make him five times stronger than the average human [Applause] male his brute force is backed up by 4in Long Claws and 42 teeth in his bone own crushing Jaws the mountain ranges of North America are home to another heavyweight Predator cougars can be as much as 250 lb of lean mean killing machine they relentlessly hunt down everything from a small snack to a whole meal the musclebound hind quarters are the power base for leaping on their prey the
- front paws and razor sharp 1-in claws are flesh piercing slash and grab weapons this particular cooker will now have to kill larger prey every few days she's a new mother with growing Cubs to feed but for the grizzly they're just helpless Parcels of tender meat and he's a ruthless killer perfectly equipped with super strong senses to track them down the area of mucus membrane inside his nose is 100 times larger than a human's giving him a sense of smell seven times more powerful than a blood hounds sensing danger the mother moves
- the Cubs undercover but it's too late and it's his Brute Force up against the claws and cunning of the cougar the grizzly attempts A500 lb charge but it's uphill and the cougar rushes to meet him she's chosen the higher ground to mount her defense charge block the grizzly goes for sheer muscle power he tries to barge his way through like a killer linebacker he shakes from side to side creating a moving Target but the cougar has the Tactical Advantage she can't match the Bear's bulk but she can get a good angle on him
- and she's a speed and power combo she whips in a lightning fast one two with her paws and looks for a lethal spine bite she aims her powerful jaws to try and drive her canines like pck hammers between the vertebra at the base of his skull using this grip she can even snap the spinal cord of a fully grown elk the grizzly still holds the advantage of massive strength and the cougar can't reach her Mark it's an uneasy standoff the Grizzly's goal is mouthwatering Le close but the Cougar's agility is a fierce match for all his
- power the cougar still holds the higher ground the grizzly cracks first avoiding eye contact this fight's not worth the risk for such small mores the cougar smells Victory and that's how you get a grizzly Running Scared brute force is no match for tactical skill and a mother's determination but thirst drives animals to take huge risks the luanga river in East Africa large mammals are drawn here to seek relief from the dry heat but they must never let down their guard because a terrible
- danger lurks below the Nile crocodile is a Colossus of the riverbank it can reach up to 20 ft in length and 2,000 lb in body weight propelled by its muscular tail it hones in on its prey and once it has a Target in its sights there's little hope of Escape adults can survive for many months on one meal but when a dwindling water supply concentrates it's the food source it's time to take advantage and Chow Down but another Mammoth mud lover seeks out
- water and these hard cases are not about to be pushed around by their scaly neighbor hippos may be grass eaters but they're also fearsome Fighters males weigh nearly 10,000 lb they are the super heavy weights of the watering hole the tough hide on his back is 2 in thick and he's armed with 18in canines razor sharp and fiercely pointed their massive mouths can open up to an angle of 150° dangerous is is their default setting and they could easily snap a croc in two this cramped herd is in a state of high tension they want this watering hold to
- themselves they've got their vulnerable calves to protect but this six-year-old female Croc is ready to eat she's got a baby hippo in her sights any Croc would be crazy to put the temper of this herd to the test but this is a Croc with extreme attitude she's not the sort to respect boundaries she's the sort to cross the thin line between Brave and Reckless she sneaks toward the center of the herd She's definitely in the wrong place and with hippos it's never the right time the herd senses danger and attack like a squadron of
- Battle Tanks the Crocs overwhelmed by sheer numbers she tries to slip away but her luck runs out just a few feet from safety the hippos Corner her again one grips her body a second goes for her head while another grabs her tail the hippo's mouths contain a clutch of cutthroat razors the rasping action between their upper and lower canines keeps them keenly sharpened a direct hit
- can slash through skin as well as impale their enemies it's curtains for the Croc but it's not just hippos who have killer teeth her Jagged jaw holds 68 teeth and she has one of the most powerful bites in nature her jaw is clamp tight with an amazing 5,000 lb of force so her grasp nearly always spells death she bites down hard on the hippo it's a game changer creating enough chaos for her to wriggle free to the bank after being just one snap away from from Oblivion this young Croc decides there's a lot to be said for life on the
- fringes plundering and pillaging is a way of life on the high seas this is the Magnificent frig bird one of the most notorious Pirates of the Caribbean it has an 8 ft wingspan These Wings Are the largest relative to its body weight of any bird on the planet sailing close to the wind they can stay aloft continuously for several days and even sleep on the wing they use thermals to soore up to 8,000 ft High but graceful flight hides a dark side these birds are merciless Bandits weighing up to 4 lb they bully other
- birds for food with a reputation for extreme violence it's no surprise they're known as the man of war Isabel Island it's The Mating Season this adult male frig bird is back at The Colony after 5 months at Sea he pumps up his throat to show off and once he's got a mate he needs to build a nest and that is one enormous challenge their huge Wings make takeoff and Landings difficult they've learned it's easier to steal Twigs from other birds in midair wind Bandits attack each other from every
- direction but he's well placed below and snatches a twig falling through the [Music] air finally he has a solid nest and with an egg to guard he sitting pretty but some latecomers believe that building a nest Is for Suckers both his home and bloodline are at stake a wing Destroyer targets him from above it Spears him right down the center of the throat he neutralizes the attack by clamping onto the invader's beak so the Challenger changes tactics he targets the head from the side and gains The Nest but only for a moment because the
- wave of frigate Fury never lets up a totally new rival swoops in the incomer goes for the throat from below his beak has sharp edges and measures over 4 in Long its curved tip is designed for hooking on to Slippery Fish giving him a firm hold on any Target the incomer holds his neck tight it's a move he can't counter he's helpless and has to fly for his life the new Nest owner quickly settles in his first housekeeping task is coldblooded murder in the Cutthroat world of the man of war there's no room for seabird
- [Music] sentiment Claws and hooks beaks are nothing compared to a spike and body armor in the forests of Madagascar the plowshare tortoise Was Born to Fight built like an armored tank with a single killer weapon a hard plow shaped Spike poking out between his front legs and when they're feeling In the Mood for Love well nothing's going to get in their way this Casanova detects the smell of a female in heat she's playing hard to get but he enjoys the Chase he circles and sniffs at her to Signal his
- intentions but when that pickup trick doesn't work he turns to Brute [Music] Force he uses his impressive Spike to render her helpless who said romance is dead but before he can seal the deal another Suitor appears and you can be sure that in a love triangle between plow shared tortoises things are going to get very nasty very quickly like medieval knights lining up for a joust the suitors eye each other up the winner will get a chance to secure his bloodline the loser will be history the Intruder breaks ranks
- first their lances [Music] Clash both Fighters are heavily armored with a shell as hard as a human skull top and bottom and scaly armored skin on their legs their only weak spot is the exposed soft neck and shoulders between the shells if either combatant can drive his Spike into this soft spot he could land a decisive blow Casanova fails to penetrate the intruder's armor time for Plan B a tortoise flip it's a winning move in one Fell Swoop the Intruder is Thoroughly
- [Music] stuck all he can do is look on humiliated as the Victor claims his reward the chance to pass on his DNA from a small Spike to one of the most legendary and lethal horns on the planet in the wide open spaces of the South African bush there's plenty of room to roam but when these two giants see red this place just isn't big enough for the both of them the White Rhino of South Africa is the largest of the world's rhinos and the most deadly measuring 6 feet at the shoulder this animal fight night heavyweight clocks in at over 5,000
- lb his killer weapon is his horn it's made of keratin and is hard as Nails the front one can reach 3 ft long the African Buffalo is also toed up with a set of horns curled into a hook they are catch and toss weapons joined in the center in a thick bulge called a boss and they're backed up by a rock hard skull which can kill with a single headbutt also 6 ft at the shoulder he matches the Rhino for height but at under 2,000 lb he's less than half the weight of a white rhino despite their awesome Weaponry both these guys are grass eaters and
- that's the problem a white rhino is grazing on his home range in the South African bush he spent his entire life here but this Buffalo wants a piece of the territory both these guys need to eat constantly to survive they square up blood in their eyes the Rhino lunges but the Buffalo is lighter on his feet both look for an opening but the rhino seizes it nearly 2 in thick the buffalo's skin holds out just he counters the attack but the
- Rhino makes his extra 1 and 1/2 tons count his head and Horn double as a heavyduty forklift truck the Rhino goes for the Buffalo tender belly and throat totally helpless the Buffalo can't hook on to the Rhino but Buffalo don't let their buddies battle alone their herd mentality is strong and his brothers are desperate to save him if he doesn't get away he's finished another Buffalo steps in his buddy deliberately targets his
- trapped leg with massive Force he unhooks his comrade from the Rhino's deadly weapon he's down but he's free time for everyone to make a break for it the Rhino wins the grazing rights but a buffalo buddy up wins his victim's Freedom the dry Plains of Southern India are crawling with venomous snakes the spectacled Cobra is one of the four most deadly in southern Asia they can reach up to 7 ft long and are pure biological weapons a single bite can kill a human within hours
- sharing the plains is the Indian gy Mongoose just 30 in long and weighing up to 5 lb what they lack in size they make up for in legendary ferocity so when Mongoose and Cobra Collide it's one of the most Savage showdowns on animal fight night this four-year-old male spectacled Cobra senses troubled a 2-year-old male Mongoose is on the prowl and he's put snake on the menu but he set himself a tall order the Cobra is in classic threat mode his extended hood flashes skin
- patterns designed to scare off Predators he can expand his hood by extending movable ribs behind his neck from the third down to the 13th vertebra 13 might be unlucky for some but this crazy Mongoose is up for the fight the Cobra plays to his strengths he's flexible and can attack from many different angles he has two fangs in his mouth which can deliver about 210 mg of deadly venom that's more than 13 times the amount needed to kill a human the snake can lunge at more than 3 ft per second but if he lunges and
- misses he's directly in the firing line these two masters face off in a deadly dance of Split Second timing but the Mongoose isn't just fabled for his Ultra fast reflexes he also holds a trump card thanks to a unique adaptation the Mongoose is resistant to small doses of Cobra Venom whoever lands the first blow will'll take all the snakes desperate to keep the Mongoose at Bay both are tiring from the ultra fast combat but the senses an opening his greater reflexes take the edge blocking 40 needle-like teeth onto
- the Cobra's skull he crushes it tenderizing the meat as he goes and runs off to eat dinner in peace life is tough 3 miles above sea level on the Tibetan Plateau it can reach minus 40 in winter cold enough to freeze oil the air is too thin for most humans to breathe but the Tibetan Antelope calls it home to survive he has specialized blood cells and some of the warmest wool of the entire Animal Kingdom but his biggest worry is another male's twoot long flesh piercing weapons because when two males go head-to-head they can fight to the death
- tibet's High Plateau this six-year-old Tibetan Antelope is in command of a herum of eight females and he's in his prime this 4-year-old male thinks it's time to Dethrone the king charge ing around at 50 mph shows off his fighting [Music] Fitness the vetran all steamed up the battle Harden pro has everything to lose the eager Challenger everything to gain the goal battle head-to-head until they can twst twist their opponent's neck and inflict a potentially fatal broadside to an exposed flank the Young Buck tries to sneak in a
- clean stab but the Wy veterans onto him and these wickedly curved horns can kill measuring around 5 in at their base their horn S have a Steely core of hard bone which ends in a wickedly curved stiletto like tip after a final flash of blades the Challenger tries a new tactic loocking horns the youngster spins his opponent around their horns are not only sharp but also have multiple ridges along their length giving them a friction grip for intense grappling both antelopes struggle to deliver a potentially fatal stab to the
- flanks if they puncture along it could mean a slow and agonizing death the fate of the female antelopes hangs in the balance the veteran digs deep anything to throw the young Contender off his game now he's got him off balance he looks for an opening he executes his killer move he twists and disengages with a shake he forces his opponent's head down toward the ground humiliated the youngster receives a master lesson in Antelope Sword Play worn out and wounded he Retreats he'll need to build up more strength before he can count a
- successful challenge the old master has hung on to his hero until the next time from a sword fight with deadly daggers to a clash of savagery and legendary cunning the red fox is a true survivor found in every corner of the northern hemisphere they reached 35 in long and weigh up to 30 lb they have sharp slender canines over 1 in long they hunt alone with a potential range of over 4 square miles Sly and scheming they're one of the most devious contenders on animal fight night between January and March it's fullon fighting
- season when adult males go head-to-head in Do or Die battles that can be heard for [Music] miles in the cold winter months in North America red fox passions run hot foxes are normally nocturnal but Love Waits for No One and a female box attracts a local guy in broad daylight her howls also lure an outsider but there can be only one winner The Outsider immediately targets the Local's legs it's a key tactic a broken leg could spell a death sentence in the unforgiving wilderness he protects his throat at all costs if the local guy gets a clean bite
- there's a chance he could sever the outsider's windpipe or even tear an artery Dueling Up on their powerful hind legs both go for the jugular The Outsider changes tactics using the full force of his weight to throw the local guy off balance a split second error could cost them the fight another powerful push but the outsider misses his crucial chance the Local's just too quick and he's clever he uses the Home Advantage and seizes the perfect defensive position back to the snow slope facing downhill crouched low his throat is protected but
- now he can easily rip Into The Outsiders the outsider knows it's hopeless breeding rights go to the more cunning local Fox and a victory jig marks his claim to the female devious strategy wins some fights others use stealth and Savage claws against a terrifying tag team the dusty Plains of southern Africa hunting grounds for the caracal nearly 50 in long and weighing up to 40 lb they may not rank as a true big cat but with their natural stealth and Agility they're one of the world's most efficient feline Killers their trademark tufted long ears
- can locate prey in the rough terrain from far away with extreme muscle control they creep up close to their victims and leap up to 10 ft in the air snatching birds from the sky this 5-year-old male caracal picks up the sound of some blackback jackles chewing on a carcass he hasn't eaten in days and the chance of a free meal is too good to miss he can chase off a predator twice his size and is willing to face the odds of two against one up against a caracal a single Jackal wouldn't stand a
- chance but there's strength in numbers they tag team nipping him with their sharp half inch canines the caracal has the edge in accuracy and power but jackal prepare for life and these two are a well-honed partnership as one attacks his exposed hindquarters he's forced to turn leaving him open to a new assault from behind his attention is constantly divided jackals keep the pressure on one bite from his one Canin could rip their throats in two his razor sharp claws could easily lacerate their flesh but the team effort is paying
- off the caracal Retreats and the jackals lower their state of alert but it's only a cunning feline Bluff he waits until they move away from the carcass and races in to claim it the jackals return to seize it [Music] back only now they have a big problem the caracal holds the defender's Advantage he's both e in and single-handedly fending them off there's not much more they can do but Circle him and launch intermittent attacks the dogs have had their day it's time for the caracal to make off with his loot food is
- crucial but the fight for a roof over your head can be the difference between life and death the coasts of the Americas are home to hundreds of species of hermit crabs these little critters are one of Nature's Most resourceful survivors their soft bodies aren't hard enough to protect them from sharks and other Predators so they wear recycled body armor instead every crab's property is unique but a perfect fit is important as they develop to their full size hermit crabs constantly look to trade up to bigger properties as they outgrow the
- old ones they can move up to a 100 times during their lifetime a lucky crab may find a discarded shell for a new home but most have to fight for them these are the most violent fights of a crab's life because finding yourself homeless can be a death sentence the coasts of North America something's up on the ocean floor hermit crabs are on the move this giant horse conk is devouring a tulip snail and the smell of snail flesh means one thing to the hermit crab a new home is coming up for grabs the race to check out the new property
- is on but they proceed with caution if they get too close the conk could eat them [Music] too they jockey for position waiting for the conk to spit out the snail shell their claws swing into action this family of Hermits have a larger right pincer called The Crusher and the smaller left pincer called the cutter both are used to attack the prospect of the new home just seconds from release triggers a frenzy everyone wants wants to be the first in line but this hermit hates to wait taking a risk he scoots right
- inside the snail shell before it's even left the conk the crabs are Furious the new home's a perfect fit and he quickly takes off to find a new neighborhood the Takeover triggers a change reaction on the housing market as all the other crabs rush to upgrade time for a gladiator contest Beetle style this 3- we old adult male Caucasus beetle is primed for a fight 3 in of glistening armor he's one of the largest and strongest Beetles on Earth his horns are fighting weapons and can account for 50% of his entire body
- weight he's only got a few weeks of life left to pass on his DNA living in the jungles of Borneo he set up a bachelor pad full of food to attract fertile females But Here Comes Trouble another heavily armed outsized Beetle has has his eye on the neighborhood face to face they lock horns the name of the game a pure show of strength by knocking your opponent off the log it's a wrestling match with the clock ticking both contenders are equipped with three horns made of a protein called kiten they're extremely strong and
- almost as hard and compact as bone the Intruder has the right idea he comes from a lower angle and manages to lift the other guy up in the air he can lift a massive 850 times his own body weight but the Homemaker clings on with all his might his feet are designed for the job hooked claws called tari cover their six feet and are essential for gripping during knockout fights neither is gaining any ground so it's time for the Intruder to try a new strategy he goes for an over-the-top flip but can't quite muster the power to
- pull it off it's a close call evenly matched the Victor will will have to dig deep to find the added Edge the Intruder recruits a natural partner [Music] Gravity the homaker clings on with all he's got if he falls it's game over everything is at stake it's a clear victory the Intruder celebrates by climbing on to the Winner's Podium and now with just weeks to live every second counts to find himself a mate