- here we go Sam that's it hello I'm Andy and this is Sam Sam is a baby elephant or calf now elephants like to eat a lot of food in fact they can eat twice my body weight which is loads in the wild they'll eat leaves and plants and trees I'm feeding Sam here some bananas there we go Sam all over the world wild baby animals are learning what to eat and how to eat it first stop the Kalahari Desert in South Africa [Music] it's meerkat pop he's just two months old and she's about to have a very big day she lives here in the desert with her
- family and friends in a big gang called a mob they always make sure she has enough to eat but now it's time to start catching her own food a yummy meal for a meerkat is very different from the food you or I like to eat first course ants be careful little meerkat this dinner bites back [Music] hahaha [Music] delicious oh for a meerkat that is and if you thought that first course was strange just look at what's for the main course a scorpion how many meerkat will have to watch out for nasty nipping Claws and a painful
- stinging tail it might seem a bit dangerous to you and me but a scorpion sting doesn't hurt too much if you're a meerkat don't think the Scorpion is very keen on being dinner though [Music] catching your own dinner isn't so easy after all at least when you live in a big gang there's always someone close by to help keep an eye on you and make sure you're doing it right [Music] there she's done it well done you well done catching your own dinner is a big step on your journey to becoming a grown-up meerkat maybe next time you can show these pups
- how to catch a scorpion let's take a trip to Tanzania in Africa here's an animal that's very fast on its feet but blink and you'll miss it what hey where did it go ah there she is this is a sengi sometimes called an elephant shoe I can't think why with that trunk-like nose she's caring for her baby which means lots of feeding drinking milk can be pretty tricky with such a big nose though her baby is only a few weeks old but like all sengi she's Born to Run and already almost as fast as mum they are powerful bat legs make singing
- one of the fastest small mammals in the world [Music] to help her speed around she's even built her own race track [Music] and it's the perfect place to go hunting for tasty bugs [Music] gotcha to make sure nothing trips her up she has to keep her race track clear of twigs and leaves go on get out of it it's so important she spends half a day every day doing this imagine having to tidy your room for half a day [Music] it's worth it though for a Singh because as well as helping her find food clean race track also helped stop her
- from becoming food this monitor lizard has its eye on our sengi good luck Mr lizard I hope you've got your running shoes on oh talk about fast food the monitor lizard is much bigger but our little singer is agile and knows every Twist and Turn of this racetrack [Music] foreign [Music] you can stop running now [Music] it looks like the poor old monitor lizard has run out of puff well done sengi Kai is a chameleon chameleons have very clever tricks look at Kai's eyes they can look in two separate Directions They swivel around
- look at them lots of baby animals have clever tricks in the wild California this family of ground squirrels live in the wide open prairies [Music] for the little baby squirrels called kits life is just one long play time uh hide and seek anyone ground squirrels eat grass and seeds so there's always plenty to munch on here but not all the animals who live here eat plants oh oh they've seen something it's a rattlesnake and they like to munch on baby squirrels to stay safe these kits need to learn a few tricks from mum
- first your fluffy tail she's not entering a dance competition shaking her tail is actually a good way of putting off unwanted visitors it's a way of telling the snake that she's on her guard shower she moves little one that's it clear off Mr rattlesnake and if tail shaking doesn't work Mom has another trick to see off this scary snake she's found a piece of old snake skin and she's chewing it into a paste I'm rubbing it all over herself it may be terrible table manners but it's actually a very clever trick with chewed up snakeskin in her fur she
- doesn't smell like a squirrel anymore she smells you guessed it like a rattlesnake it's a bit like spraying yourself with perfume or deodorant right it's time to try out her tricks by wafting her new snaky smell at the Ratner she trying to fool it into thinking there's a rival snake around [Music] but will this and her wagging tail be enough to Rattle this snake [Music] yes it will it's worked he's slithering off phew now thanks to mum's clever tricks their kids can get back to their fun and games [Music] he's not even two years old yet but
- she's taller than me giraffes are the tallest mammals in the world and their legs are so long it looks like they're on stilts you would think baby giraffes have a hard time of taking their first steps but when they're born in the wild it only takes them half an hour before they're standing up and they can walk from just a day old which is incredible for some baby animals just standing up can be tricky first stop Kenya in Africa [Music] look at these elephants oh they're magnificent you see those big ears that's how you
- know they're African elephants African elephants have the biggest ears in the world elephants are great mums they have really close families an elephant family is a herd [Music] look it's a newborn baby an elephant calf he's only a few minutes old incredible she hasn't even stood up yet it's hard standing up when you're as heavy as an elephant so mum's there to lend a helping hand or a trunk thanks mum time for a nice drink of milk yummy she'll get milk from mum until she's three years old she's mastered standing what about
- walking whoops steady there's a lot of elephant for a young one to control [Music] I think she's getting the hang of it [Music] all the grown-ups in the herd will help take care of this young calf it's like living with your aunties all the time the trouble is a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing now she knows how to walk she wants to explore [Music] be careful you mustn't leave the safety of the family [Music] because when the family gets ready to go you have to go with them [Music] it's pretty tough being a newborn
- elephant but mum will always be on hand to help you get over life's stumbling blocks
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2-USeQLG0A