Baby Animals vs PREDATORS | Andy's Baby Animals | Andy's Amazing Adventures


  • over we go to canada this time when you live in a place with no trees at all riding can be much harder take this fluffy ida duckling for example it needs to hide from this pack of hungry white wolves who are out searching for a meal [Music] luckily mum knows just what to do [Music] she's taking her babies to the lake the ducklings have never been there before but they take to swimming well like a duck to water oh dear it looks like one of the wolves has spotted them you might think they're safe out there in the middle of the lake
  • but wolves are great swimmers too [Music] the little ducklings are too small to fly [Music] so it's up to mum to save them and she does it by playing a game with the wolves it's called catch me if you can [Music] her ducklings watch her deal with the wolf all this splashing around makes the wolf follow her while the babies duck excuse the fun out of sight [Music] well done mum after all that running around the wolf is puffed out off it goes
  • time for a family reunion [Music] we're going to a special lake in africa now here in lake malawi there's another animal mum helping her babies to hide this fish is a real big mouth don't worry i'm not being rude that's her name a big mouth hap and she has a very strange way of hiding her babies from other hungry fish who want to gobble them up [Music] she doesn't hide them in the rocks she hides them in her mouth whenever she thinks there might be danger around she opens wide and they swim straight inside [Music]
  • this family of ground squirrels live in the wide open prairies for the little baby squirrels called kits life is just one long playtime uh hide and seek anyone ground squirrels eat grass and seeds so there's always plenty to munch on here but not all the animals who live here eat plants oh they've seen something it's a rattlesnake and they like to munch on baby squirrels to stay safe these kits need to learn a few tricks from mum first shake your fluffy tail she's not entering a dance competition shaking her tail is actually a good way
  • of putting off unwanted visitors it's a way of telling the snake that she's on her guard show us your moves little one [Music] that's it clear off mr rattlesnake and if tail shaking doesn't work mum has another trick to see off this scary snake [Music] she's found a piece of old snakeskin [Music] and she's chewing it into a paste and rubbing it all over herself it may be terrible table manners but it's actually a very clever trick [Music] with chewed up snake skin in her fur she doesn't smell like a squirrel anymore
  • she smells you guessed it like a rattlesnake it's a bit like spraying yourself with perfume or deodorant right it's time to try out her tricks by wafting her new snakey smell at the ratna she's trying to fool it into thinking there's a rival snake around but will this and her wagging tail be enough to rattle this snake [Music] [Music] yes it will it's worked he's slithering off phew now thanks to mum's clever tricks the kids can get back to their fun and games [Music] the sun is peeping over the horizon and for one young animal that means it's
  • time to go to work this little meerkat park is on lookout duty today he's less than a year old and it's his first time doing this very important job oh where's he off to ah good idea if you climb up there you'll be able to see much further and with you looking out for danger the rest of your family can safely have breakfast oh maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all never mind i'm sure you'll get the hang of it soon just be careful that branch doesn't break time to find a new lookout post here comes trouble
  •  this scary looking character is a cape cobra he's got a nasty venomous bite so he's a real threat to this pup and his family [Music] but should he tackle it by himself or call for help [Music] ah yes good choice little meerkat call for help this guy is far too tough to tackle on your own here come the reinforcements a group of meerkats is called a mob and when they all get together and work as a team they can be a pretty formidable force now it's 15 meerkats
  • against just one snake careful everyone watch out for that venomous bite oh look he's off not such a tough guy after all right teamwork saves the day [Music] well done young pup now run on home for your supper [Music] these babies
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